Institute of Computer Science
University Freiburg

Welcome to the open-access test instance of JBrowse2.

This is an example of a JBrowse2 (1) instance to showcase some of the features provided by JBrowse2 and allow you to test JBrowse2 yourself.

The data

The data used for this example is a publically available dataset for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. 14028S.

It is available via NCBI under the accession number PRJNA421559 (2).
Two replicates for each condition were used for this example.


Default Session

The default session of JBrowse2 can be accessed here.
If no specific link is shared this is the default session that will be loaded when accessing this JBrowse2 instance.

Multi-coverage Tracks

JBrowse2 now allows the creation of multi-coverage tracks which make comparing different samples even easier, as they scale all coverage files in the multi-track to the same level.

To show this, we created multi-coverage tracks that contain both Ribo-seq and RNA-seq samples for each condition and replicate.

An example session showcasing multi-coverage tracks can be found here.

Shareable links

JBrowse2 allows you to easily share data via share-links that lead you to a specific region and setup that you choose, with minimal effort.
To show this, we created an example link pointing to a specific gene. We prepared a setup that contains both Ribo-seq and RNA-seq for two conditions. Additionally, we scaled the axes of each track to the same level to allow for easy comparison.

The links that share such an entire session look like this:

These links can be used to easily point your colleagues to a specific region of interest for quick inspection. Additionally, we can use them to provide specific setups on this webpage for easy access to you and the community, (once the data is published).
