Generated on Tue Dec 16 12:49:16 2008 for BIU-2.2.0 by doxygen 1.5.1


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MATRIX_HH
00002 #define MATRIX_HH
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include <vector>
00006 #include <cassert>
00007 #include "biu/assertbiu.hh"
00010 namespace biu {
00015     template <class T> class Matrix {
00016     protected:
00018         size_t rows;
00020         size_t cols;
00022         T **v;
00023     public:
00026         Matrix();
00030         Matrix(const size_t r, const size_t c);
00035         Matrix(const size_t r, const size_t c, const T &val);
00042         Matrix(const size_t r, const size_t c, const T mat[]);
00045         Matrix(const Matrix<T> &mat);
00049         Matrix& operator = (const Matrix<T> &mat);
00053         Matrix& operator = (const T &val);
00058         Matrix<T> operator + (const Matrix<T> &mat);
00062         Matrix<T> operator + (const T &c);
00067         Matrix<T> operator - (const Matrix<T> &mat);
00071         Matrix<T> operator - (const T &c);
00076         Matrix<T> operator * (const Matrix<T> &mat) const;
00080         Matrix<T> operator * (const T &c) const;
00085         std::vector<T> operator * (const std::vector<T> &vec) const;
00090         Matrix<T>& operator *= (const Matrix<T> &mat);
00094         Matrix<T>& operator *= (const T& c);
00099         inline bool operator == (const Matrix<T> &mat) const;
00104         inline bool operator == (const T &val) const;
00109         inline bool operator != (const Matrix<T> &mat) const;
00114         inline bool operator != (const T &val) const;
00118         inline T* const operator[](const size_t row);
00122         inline const T* const operator[](const size_t row) const;
00127         inline T at(const size_t r, const size_t c) const;
00132         inline T& at(const size_t r, const size_t c);
00135         inline size_t numRows() const;
00138         inline size_t numColumns() const;
00142         std::vector<T> columnVec(const size_t col) const;
00147         void resize(const size_t row, const size_t col);
00153         void resize(const size_t row, const size_t col, const T& defVal);
00155         ~Matrix();
00157     };
00159 } // namespace biu
00166 template <class T> inline
00167 std::istream&
00168 operator>>(std::istream& in,  biu::Matrix<T>& m);
00174 template <class T> inline
00175 std::ostream&
00176 operator << (std::ostream& out, const biu::Matrix<T>& m);
00178 #include "biu/Matrix.icc"
00180 #endif // define MATRIX_HH