GraphProt - modeling binding preferences of RNA-binding proteins
GraphProt can be used for modeling binding preferences of RNA-binding
proteins from high-throughput experiments such as CLIP-seq and RNAcompete. The latest builds and information on the GraphProt bioconda package are available via GitHub.
Newer versions of GraphProt can be found at GitHub and via bioconda.
version 1.1.4 GraphProt-1.1.4.tar.bz2 (February 2017)
- additionaly generate structure motif in paired/upaired representation
version 1.1.3 GraphProt-1.1.3.tar.bz2 (September 2016)
- read model parameters from file
- select number of sequences to use for motif
- predict profiles for sequence-and-structure models on sequences of arbitrary length
- bugfixes related to current versions of perl 5
version 1.1.1 GraphProt-1.1.1.tar.bz2 (June 2014)
- include predicted margins with crossvalidation output
version 1.1.0 GraphProt-1.1.0.tar.bz2 (May 2014)
- bugfixes, changed "predict" output to include fasta id
version 1.0.1 GraphProt-1.0.1.tar.bz2 (January 2014)
Sequences used to train CLIP-seq models: GraphProt_CLIP_sequences.tar.bz2
Sequences used to generate CLIP-seq motifs: GraphProt_CLIP_motifseqs.tar.bz2
Parameters used in GraphProt publication: parameters.tar.bz2
GraphProt CLIP models: GraphProt_models_CLIP.tar.bz2
GraphProt RNAcompete models: GraphProt_models_RNAcompete (FTP)
Sequences used for PTB affinity predictions and Ago2 3'-UTR evaluations: GraphProt_PTB_UTRs.tar.bz2
For any questions or issues concerning GraphProt please write an email to: