Institute of Computer Science
University Freiburg

WCB 07: Workshop on Constraints in Bioinformatics - CFP2: Second Call for Papers

Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics

*** deadline extension: June 11 ***

Workshop at ICLP07
September 8-13, 2007
Porto, Portugal


Bioinformatics is a recent discipline that has already captured the interests of many researchers. This wide and fast evolving field of research suggests new complex challenges to computer science. The applications of new achievements can be beneficial to medicine, agriculture, and/or industry. To pick out only a few examples, Bioinformatics tackles problems related to:

All these problems can be naturally formalized using constraints over finite domains or intervals of reals. Biology is a source of extremely interesting and challenging problems that can be encoded exploiting the application of recent and more general techniques of constraint programming. In this framework, some problems that have been successfully tackled are:

The main aim of this workshop is twofold. On the one hand, to share recent results in this area (new constraint solving techniques, new prediction and simulation programs). On the other hand, to present new challenging problems formalized and/or solved with constraint based methods.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: June 11
Notification to Authors: July 6
Camera-ready copy due: July 22
Workshop: September 13

Program Committee

Submission Details

Submitted papers can be in any topic concerning bioinformatics and constraints. Submission style is the standard llncs style. Page limit is 6 pages. Please send the pdf or ps to
wcb07 at


At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop. All workshop participants must pay the workshop fee according to CP rules.